Ned's Pizza: Easy to Like
Overall rating: 9 Pizzas out of 10
The Pizza: 9 Pizzas out of 10
Pizza Style: Americana
What makes a good pizza? Lots of Cheese!. What makes a great pizza? Browned Cheese! You know, when the cheese has highlights of browning from the heat of the oven, a process that brings the cheese's flavor to life. Ned's pizzas has both, making Ned's pizza a real easy pie to like. But then the owner of Ned's (that be Ned) is an easy guy to like as well, so it stands to reason that his pie would be a bit like him; a nice guy who makes a nice, well balanced pie.
Value Bonus: all that cheese makes Ned's slices very filing and hearty, we found that we ate about half our usual number of slices due to the sheer mass of each slice.
The crust floats on your tongue, and is extremely well made; the ends are chewy on the inside and crunchy on the outside, while the center dough is airy and fluffy -- the two are a great contrast and an excellent beginning and a fitting end to a piece of pizza.
The sauce is sweet and bouncy but not too sweet that the tomatoes don't come through.
Salt Level is happily on the low side for pizza.
The Dining Experience: 8 Pizzas out of 10
Ned's new place in Cayuga Heights is right next to the police station (it feels as if they share the same driveway) and is very clean and simply appointed; it feels like a 21st century pizza parlor should feel. What makes it 21st century? The beautiful granite countertop in the bathroom sink. Enjoy Ned's easy vibe and sweet sounds of a pizza maker at work; and there is a real good chance Ned himself will take your order, so you are sure to be in good hands.
Ned's Pizza is located at 840 Hanshaw Road, in Ithaca, NY
Reviewed Feb 12, 2007
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